Det här skrev killarna på sin tumblr, riktigt j*vla bra!
Don’t worry about where or who you’re going to be in five years.
Like high school, you’re going to look back and wish you had done so many things differently.
Know that and do them differently now.
Focus on what’s in front on you.
Work on the relationship you have with yourself first.
Slow down.
Enjoy today.
It’s okay to not know.
Eat alone in restaurants.
Stop trying to prove something.
Seek growth instead of validation.
Shatter your veneer.
Be heard.
Draw boundaries.
Pull from your Solid Self as much as you can.
Process (get therapy).
Don’t compartmentalize people.
Love fearlessly, even though you’ve been crushed before.
Practice gratitude.
Eat clean.
Toss your scale.
Pull yourself out of the victim position.
Exercise your forgiveness muscle (you will need this).
Don’t be concerned with what others think of you.
Step out of line and jump into life, yours.
Accept your story.
Don’t chase paper.
Seek truth.
Be patient.
sv: hehe aa :D
Riktigt bra skrivet!
bra skrivet :)
läskigt att man ändå inte vet vem man är och vad man gör om fem år :)